Twenty-seven students were trained in Herat educational blogging

In light of continuing education activities and capacity building of young generation of the country, this time three-day training program, learning about the blog, blogging and social networking for students Herat province, where the 27 students of the University of Herat and attended East galaxy.

According to Jalal Ahmad Vahid Hashemian, Owner and Managing Editor of the Journal of the lighthouse, the second program is the social network of the magazine and held the lantern in Herat Herat is widely welcomed by students.

Meanwhile, Faisal Karim, professor, journalist and teacher training program calendar lantern in Herat, capacity building, and students need access to social networking priorities

Head of the Graduate Institute of East galaxy, student affairs and director of the university’s Faculty of Letters at the end of the program, and the calendar for Lighthouse Thanks to this program, students were holding .

At the end of the three day training program on social networks at the University of East Galaxy held certificates were awarded to 27 participants.

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