Themes and concepts of music theory

Posted: Asiya

Source term used in the East, especially the music “routine and traditional Iranian music and musical culture of the French word called (Leton) or tones.

Note the theme song step or say, this issue is very common among singers (concepts such as: the source is high or low for my voice) that given the extent of their voices, the ability to perform particular steps notes octave interval or after it.

And on the following themes:

The term ‘under one theme to read “or” bass to sing the theme of “just” refers to the type of source music notation at the beginning and the end of each step is the frequency.continue descending again to the same note will note the source. (Half note frequency source)

Some readers are adept at reading the bass themes and some themes Zyrkhvany both categories should both take practice pitch to a weakening of the jobs there.on many occasions called by the singer and vocalist with the structure of melody, singing a variety of poses and loss of height and width of the sound to compensate.)

Variety of themes:

In other words, the reader should know that the implementation of its derivative instruments and songs with the theme of sex and the desired viration? For example, a singer whose voice range is about implementing Dvdang (one octave), if he is singing in the hill run, just run to the corner Mytvnd the octave interval is located at the corner (corner of Iraq), if continue singing (corner of rock, etc.) because it is outside the range of his voice so the additional step (as the song goes) to implement a clear expression of the themes within the octave bass sing, sing, otherwise it loses its utility and Gvshnvazy will.

Left and right themes:

Various themes of tonality (sound) into two categories, “right” and “left” into which the classification is based on the original tonality source and type of source notes steps. In other words, the natural level differences between men and women’s voices and practice “between men and women voice an octave (eight notes) is different.

The themes chosen by the women on the nature and structure of the sound source of the left (L Cook) and the right themes themes adopted by men (straight stitch) is called.

It does not matter who plays on the left Namym.khvanndgany singing this step represents the readers are left with a kind voice.

So we can conclude that: the sound is thin (below) for men and women, “Cook left” and a thick sound (bass), men and women, “straight stitch” say.

The choice between left and right term themes, from the position of the wires together on those bowed instruments (violin and fiddle) – plectrum (Tar and Setar and lute, etc.) is. If the player gets a little high class instrument, bass wires and wires on the right side of the instrument is placed on the left side of the player. If a melody based on the singers, the thick wires (bass) are playing the right tune and vice versa if desired melody runs on thin wires (below), the left says Cook.

Utility tonality themes:

Terms of tonality and sound themes, all of them are favored and chosen some, the degree of pitch is despicable and unacceptable. With a variety of themes and voices of singers undesirable correlation.

It is not particularly common.

Among the many themes that are available on the instrument and the way they think, many have no voice tonality and not desirable.

fall and in the meantime, readers need to know the cause of the relatively “instruments, sharing their ease of implementation.

seen and heard so many songs to choose from, rather than a source of insecurity, have not produced the desired effect on the listener.

Formula entry and exit from the source of the left and right:

To become a source of right to left and vice versa, singers and musicians are required to execute the following points:

1. If the source note right notes with its calculation of origin, note 5 above us, a source of inoculum obtained will be left.

-2 If the origin of the right notes with its calculation of source notes, note 4 below us, a source of inoculum obtained will be left.

3. If the source note left by their estimated net source, note 4 above us, a source of inoculum from the right.

-4 If the source notes left by their estimated net source, note 5 below us, a source of inoculum from the right.

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