The legend of “Valentine”, the saint to lovers

Marwa submissions

February 14 St. Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or Valentine’s feast celebrated in many countries, while in most of these countries, Valentine’s Day is not a holiday.

Religious celebrate Valentine’s Day as one of the early Christian saints named Valntynvs began. Valentine’s testimony about the different stories in the history of the story is different. The famous story of St. Valentine, a Christian priest in the Roman soldiers would hold weddings.

Under the command of Emperor Claudius II banned marriage for soldiers in the Roman Empire. Because the emperor believed single men, are better fighters. Other charges Valntynvs to Christian prisoners from prison. Then he went to prison because of these activities. According to legend, St. Valentine jailer’s blind daughter healed. It is the day of execution in a farewell letter that he had written to her, “Your Valentine” was signed.

The first Valentine’s Day and love physical continuity in medieval English poet Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century works have been proposed. The perfect Valentine donate flowers, sweets, and sending greeting cards to express their love. In the twentieth century surpassed Kadvhay Valentine flowers and chocolates and jewelry donated for the day was designed.

In the tradition that spread through American culture in the world, none has been as successful Valentine. As we enjoyed in East Asian countries, on the occasion of Valentine’s precious Kadvhayshan prepare.Condemnation of the day.

This Day in China is not taken seriously because it coincided with the Chinese New Year is Jshn¬Hay. Valentine’s Day in Japan was popular in the sixties. Half of the annual sales of chocolates on Valentine’s Day in Japan.

In the eighties the National Union of confectionary industry in Japan on March 14 as “Day reply» Nam¬Gzary switch to the ladies and gentlemen of the day (which they have Valentine’s Day chocolate gift) Chocolate gifts are. These days, “White Day” called. Because milk chocolate are awarded to women.

In some Latin American countries like Mexico and Colombia Valentine’s Day “friendship and love” and called on people in addition to their popular show their appreciation of their friends also. Valentine held in South Korea, like Japan, but the men and women who have not Dr14 February and 14 March chocolate gifts go to a restaurant and eat black noodles are moaning his own single life.

in Iran and the Islamic World:

In Ancient two ways to celebrate Valentine’s similarities.are positioned.

Some Sunni Muslim scholars, especially the Roman and Christian tradition has it that it is an honor to be counted and innovation are forbidden. Some institutions and community groups to promote Valentine’s Day to denounce consumerism. These policies have created a movement called anti-Valentine and encourage people to donate gifts are inexpensive or free. To some, Valentine’s also a symbol of luxury and consumerism is rampant. They love to young people rather than pay attention to the material gifts are so very precious gift to consider the epitome of interest.

In the 1389 production of various posters, brochures, advertising box and card with heart symbols, half-hearts, red roses and any activity prohibited to inform the authorities of the day of legal deal offending be. Another group instead Spndarmzgan celebration that comes from the tradition of ancient Iran and held at 29 Bahman, instead Valentin offer. We offer an alternative to Valentine’s Day with this celebration.

However, these days it is popular among a handful of young Iranians celebrate.

But all the people in the country do not agree with the positions of the anti-Valentine’s rulers and hold harmless the holiday ever.

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