Spotting during pregnancy

Asiya submissions

If I’m experiencing vaginal bleeding or spotting during pregnancy, what should I do?
Even if it seems that the bleeding has stopped, contact your doctor or midwife immediately. Although vaginal bleeding or spotting may be due to a minor problem, but there is a risk of serious problems. Likely to rule out any problems and make sure you and your child examination is necessary. (If you continue bleeding or severe pain in any way and you do not have immediate access to a doctor immediately, “the emergency care unit (emergency) call.)

What is the difference between spotting and bleeding?
Spotting is very light bleeding, similar to what was probably the beginning or end of your period. Its color can vary from pink to red to brown (the color of dried blood).

Causes spotting?
Due to increased blood flow and tissue around the cervix, you may be after the Pap smear (cervical cancer screening), internal examination or sex spot. Other causes include:

The bleeding is very light, within 1 to 2 days, and only a small number of pregnant women have this type of spotting.
Miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy spotting can be an early sign of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, especially if the pain or cramping, abdominal be. About a quarter of pregnant women have bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy, and about half of these people are experiencing miscarriage. But if you have an ultrasound of the fetus can be done in about a week from 7 to 11 show a heartbeat, then the chances of pregnancy are greater than 90%.
Infections Spotting may be unrelated to pregnancy. Vaginal infections (eg, fungal or bacterial) or sexually transmitted infections (such as trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes) can cause irritation or inflammation of the cervix. Inflamed cervix prone to bleeding after sex or a Pap smear. There may also be a polyp (a benign growth), after a Pap smear or have sexual intercourse bleeding or spotting.
Placental problems or premature labor in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, bleeding or spotting can be a sign of a serious problem such as placenta previa, placental abruption (when the placenta separates from the uterus) and late miscarriage (between 13 weeks and mid-pregnancy) or premature delivery (between mid-gestation and 37 weeks).
spotting or bleeding, you should notify your doctor.
Unknown In some cases, the spotting is not specified. At this point the only thing the doctor prescribed precautionary statements include lack of exercise, refrain from sexual intercourse and avoid lifting heavy objects and more.
Note: If your blood type is Rh negative, every time you have vaginal spotting or bleeding, you need to have Rh globulin injection immunoassay (unless the father is Rh-negative blood group is sure).

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