Sports in winter

Asiya submissions

Exercising in cold weather is one of the positive things that your body system, simply because you need to keep you warm, you need to burn more calories.
Winter is approaching and it is time to cover themselves against the cold weather. Because of the cold are doing more exercise indoors. But if too much time in the indoor sports, you can enjoy a good quality of your workouts. Lack of fresh air and outdoor excitement, numbness of your mind and you do not provide a benefit. But do not be afraid to heart. For water oil cooler is not nothing better than cold and wind.
Exercising in cold weather is one of the positive things that your body system, simply because you need to keep you warm, you need to burn more calories.Prerequisite is a winter sports. Head and foot, two important groups which are necessary to protect absorbed, causing blisters. If your feet sweat excessively and it gets cold sweat, which cools more feet. When you find the proper socks should also wear a pair of good shoes. Any shoes that he wore the shoes for sports or skiing, be sure that its size is proportional to the size of your feet. Sir, is the largest organ of the body heat out why you should cover it well. Ears ice quickly, so you must use a visor that covers more of your head. You can also clean your face and eyes with a special cover to cover face and sunglasses. Most shops, especially for summer sports such equipment are interested in. Well, now comes the turn of the other clothes such Dshstksh suit. Look for clothes that are warm and waterproof, wind and have a little weight. Such clothing will protect you against chilling injury and illness, and exercise makes you more enjoyable.
Winter Sports Water Oil
National Ski
I think skiing is a sport in the entire world. In doing this exercise different parts of your body you need to lift heavy weights without any movement you make. A few things you should keep in mind that the ski is a little time consuming practical.The find suitable locations based on where people live is a bit difficult. It is rather high cost of supplies.
Speed ​​Skating
As you know, speed skating is a popular winter sports are the most attractive. This exercise is one way that is good for stress relief and pleasure. If you are seriously looking for a good workout for your legs and your heart is. At the bottom of the slope and to define all their forces to be able to see more results. Due to severe cold weather when you come down to the blows, wear appropriate clothing according to what we proposed is necessary. Before the start of each round, do stretching exercises. If you want to race in the first round, you need to set your muscles to be able to react well to the various obstacles.
Notes on the Exercise of the great distances to find a place to stand in long queues trap, exercise can reduce your Vzshy. The high cost of equipment, as well as tickets trap
Two winter
Two of the earliest and most effective exercise for a healthy body. The most important thing is that you anytime, anywhere without any equipment, you can do this. Qvanyy Just in case you get dressed in the above mentioned run and warm up before exercise Karim’s also not find balance and comfort. Your shoes should be nailed to the bottom of the ice-breaker so you can easily pass out of the snow and ice.
A few things about the sport: it is high risk of slipping and injuries. If you live in crowded cities, air pollution is high at this time. With the great work you have done in the body. If any of these exercises are not attracted to you, you can try one of the following.
Snow Board
Ice hockey
Football in the snow (sports team)
Nice to Come.

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