Questions and answers about the cochlear implant

Asiya submissions

Questions and answers about implants

1. What is a Cochlear Implant?
2. What is the purpose of the hearing nerve? Does this mean the absence of auditory nerve?
3. Does the presence of an intact auditory nerve damage or loss of cochlear hair cells can cause hearing loss?
4. Cochlear how to help deaf people?
5. The cochlear implant is composed of several parts?
6. What parts of the internal components of the cochlear implant?
7. What is the purpose of the external cochlear implant?
8. What is the speech processor?
9. Where is the outer coil?
10. What is the proper placement of the external coil?
11. Can the speech processor to bring the night?
12. Does the person can be implanted in sports such as soccer, swimming, tennis operate?
13. Does the cochlear implant is normal?
14. How much time is required for the optimum use of cochlear implant?
15. What sound signals can be received by a cochlear implant?
16. Do people Mytvann implanted without Lbkhvany understand speech?
17. Is it easier Lbkhvany implants?
18. Do people have been planting can use the phone?
19. Do people use radio and television can be implanted?
20. Do people have been planting can hear the sound of music?
21. Does tinnitus impact on implantation?
22. What risks can be implanted?
23 implants were used Azchh time?
24. cochlear implantation in children met the expectations?
25. Are there different ways of planting?
26. To what extent has the benefit of implantations?
27. What factors are required for the nomination?
28. What are the conditions of candidacy for cochlear implant surgery?
29. The sound of one’s own, sometimes very long and sometimes felt too weak, you can control the volume of the implant oblige?
30. Are there unpleasant sounds in cochlear implant?
31 patients implanted how the implant device used?
32. Are the results of cochlear implantation in adults and children differ from each other?
33. How do I help my children to have a more efficient use of implants?
34. What tests are needed before implantation?
35. Does the patient immediately after cochlear implantation can hear?
36. Why training 3-6 weeks after surgery, auditory training begins?
37. How is regulated by device implantation?
38. How important is cooperation and activity in patients implanted?

1. What is a Cochlear Implant?

Cochlear implant is a very powerful hearing aids for people who can not make optimum use.

2. What is the purpose of the hearing nerve? Does this mean the absence of auditory nerve?

No, auditory nerve or nerve hearing loss may also have the potential yield slightly more deaf and hearing nerves are intact or defective performance. If hair cells are damaged the sounds of acoustic sounds into electrical mechanism is not performed correctly and therefore do not stimulate the auditory nerve and the auditory brain is not.

3. Does the presence of an intact auditory nerve damage or loss of cochlear hair cells can cause hearing loss?

Yes indeed, the majority of patients with deafness caused by damage to hair cells of the cochlea and auditory nerve multitude slightly damaged.

4. Cochlear how to help deaf people?

5. The cochlear implant is composed of several parts?
Cochlear implant is composed of two main parts:
1) The inner part of the ear is by surgery.
2) The outer part of the ear like a hearing aid is placed outside pocket and back.

6. What parts of the internal components of the cochlear implant?
Includes a coil-like device implanted in the inner part of a series of electrodes. The operative part of the temporal bone behind the ear and the cochlea and Labrynt Alktrvddr course of the inner ear where it is invested. Electrical noise generated by electrode stimulates the auditory nerve fibers in the brain and therefore the sense of hearing.

7. What is the purpose of the external cochlear implant?
The external device includes a microphone converts sound waves into electrical signals, speech processor and an external coil.

8. What is the speech processor?
Speech processor is available in two forms:
The first one on the phone and hearing aids are small and almost back to normal size.
The second type is compact and is roughly the size of a small Walkman.

9. Where is the outer coil?
External coil on the scalp, behind the ears and in the exact location of the inner coil box under the skin in the form of a magnet, mounted. Agrhrdv coil on each other just do not understand the sounds weak or totally disappear. How the external coil of the inner coil is of great importance.

10. What is the proper placement of the external coil?
Both external and internal magnetic coils have been as close to each other are connected to each other in their original place, with respect to the magnet of the body does not have short hair.

26. What is the benefit of cochlear implant surgery?

1. Increase awareness of environmental sounds

2. Improved identification of speech sounds

3. The creation and skills development Lbkhvany

Although the success of an individual can not be predicted, but long-term use can enhance the success of the auditory rehabilitation. Also, it should be noted that the utility of cochlear implant recipients are different.

27. What factors determine the required nomination?

Assessment of the nomination are:
1. Evaluation of Audiology
2. The experimental use of HAs
3. The medical examination
4. Counseling Psychology

28-conditions of candidacy for cochlear implant surgery is?

1. 18 months or more
2. profound bilateral hearing loss
3. Lack of proper use of hearing aids and other hearing aids
4 – lack of any restriction
5. Motivation and having reasonable expectations
6. participate in educational programs based auditory training and speech audio Brmharthay

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