Organization, management and customer-oriented staff

Sent: Sonia

The mision
One of the categories of administrative, organizational charts, and goals and Khtymshyha different parts, manuals and many more. Certainly for customers and a large share of the organization, but it is not important who want to solve their problems.

And organizational performance results are based on the expectations and demands of customers are measured.

A customer-driven organization without proper communication with customers can be achieved success in today’s world is the world of customer-oriented, quality-driven, customer-oriented, customer purpose of the operation, commercial and economic of all the activities the infrastructure. In this way, customer-oriented personnel who have outstanding characteristics of human communication in terms of their behavior is essential.
The customer-oriented features:
• Any member of the customer and customer satisfaction is well understood.
• to act properly.
• The concept of the service is fully understood.
• complaints and resolve problems incurred as accurately and quickly as possible.
• teaching and learning and workers continued to grow into a competitive resource. If you upgrade the abilities associated with innovation and creativity in organizations creates infinite resources in case of crisis will not be fast.
• Flexibility for any change in the type of activity that specialization leads to the survival of the organization and customer satisfaction.

Director mision
Effective communication between staff guarantee the high quality, typically for an assigned project tasks prior to the effective communication between people is the result of an adverse overextended mistakes resurface will missing main objectives consequently. Therefore, before starting any project staff about the importance of reciprocity in the performance of assigned duties and responsibilities, to achieve the expected result aware.
Informing employees of the duties of a manager is customer-driven.
Already examined the characteristics of a customer-driven organization. out.
Managers of any organization is its main core and must uphold the characteristics of your customer.
Managers, customer-driven features:

  • the client system.
    • the organization are important to the customer.
    • to serve the customer.
    • respect for people.
    • to create the feeling of winning.
    • In the case of malicious statements are prevented.
    • increase the capacity of criticism.
    • People are not prohibited from offering constructive criticism.
    • When people respond to constructive criticism.
    • are willing to admit mistakes.
    Customer-oriented staff
    Managers, customer-oriented customer-oriented staff will not succeed without Vkarknany that have the following characteristics as customer-oriented employees are:
    • People are like people.
    • Always take the customer.
    • develop appropriate responses to customer inquiries.
    • Listen carefully to what the customer is.
    • Talk are happy New dandy.
    • Zahrvbatny are decent and virtuous.
    • Instead of your customer information.
    • Think more services to private profit.
    • Always more than expected consumer for whom they work.
    • With customers like guests in their own behavior.
    • behavior indicates that the customers will be deemed a priority.
  • With a customer-oriented view of employees, managers, customer-oriented and customer-oriented organization continuum of customer service. The duty and responsibility of the customer Agrhr which do not correctly there harm reduction service process and customer satisfaction leads to.

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