Modern methods of sewage

Submissions Medina

With the proliferation of bacteria in the sewage in stoppage time in septic sewage and solid waste digestion does not turn into sludge.

The liquid overflow from septic tanks and ponds spread out through the walls of the shed and pond net is absorbed into the ground. However, this method is allowed in America but in the sewage out of the septic tank must be liquid chlorine, chlorination and then excreted.

The sludge containing living organisms useful.

Septic tanks advantages:

Implemented quickly.

Fort land or land that is suitable for absorbing very little or areas where the groundwater level is high.

Because the earth does not occupy space.

Very reasonable cost.

Lack of electromechanical equipment repair and maintenance costs and the operator does not need to.

Sptynk tanks that are used in several ways:

1) Septic tanks gravity method (Septic Tank Effluent Gravity STEG)

The septic tank is not necessary to choose the pipe diameter is 200 mm or greater.

These methods are useful for small communities and the diameters are small, plastic tubes can be used as corrosion of the pipes is less and there is no problem Nshtab.

No pretreatment of wastewater collection networks and gravity to move the plant. The minimum diameter of 150 to 200 mm is required. To prevent sedimentation of suspended solids, a minimum diameter of 6 / meters per second should be retained. Manhole is required to clean them. Due to not being completely waterproof traditional gathering network, one of the main problems or Nshtab Infiltration and Exfiltration inside or outside is Nshtab. In this way, the network diameter is small (about 25 to 50 mm) and plastic pipes are used.

Outlet pipes of homes, septic tanks are initially entered. Because in this case there is no settling of solids. Small diameter sewer systems and will be able to transfer less steep. Because the system is completely waterproof, allowing Nshtab into or out there. Tube insertion depth of the system is about 9 / meters.

2) septic tank with pump (Septik Tank Effluent Pump)

This includes the network is under pressure. In this way, a septic tank with a filter and a high-pressure pump. By sewage outlet pipe with a small diameter, which are under pressure, pumped. The main wastewater collection system in this way is pressed.

Diameter drain pipes in the system is 25 to 38 mm. The main pipe diameter is 50 mm minimum. STEG system Nshtab In this system there is no such problem. The first in 1968 and the

America was applied.

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