Kindness and firmness role in bringing up children

Sent: Saida

usually Khvdmrtkb parents in training their children to be a common mistake. These errors parenting plan can be easily categorized.
Bymhbty training pattern and severity of neurological symptoms in people we see every day, through the pattern appears. Anxiety, tension, anxiety, depression and eventually committed suicide, and Hyjanyay emotional characteristics that are generated by this model of education. Children who are trained according to this pattern, often irrational fears, such as fear of animals, darkness, injury, failure, etc. are affected. These fears by blaming the more parents become more apparent.
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By following this process, the child’s world is divided into two parts at the end of inferiority and superiority of inferiority, the child and the parents are at the other end. In this model, the child’s parents to blame Natvanyhaysh but let him not like and why.He assumed, is the truth.
Educational Pattern of love and uncertainty
Today we see many children from the time they shirk responsibility, demanding and they feel they owe the world. Children with problems such as boredom, dissatisfaction with life and realize that their talents are not used properly, a Grybanand.
They understand your frustration and failure, but do not have the confidence to overcome these defects, so the only thing you can see of them, the request and demand more from their parents.
This pattern of training, spoiled children, Zyfalnfs, dependent and emotionally well-trained child’s character. Of children who are treated with kindness and consideration too much with him, let him do whatever is little demand for it is not the limit, you can not have high expectations.
The most common mistake committed by parents in the educational model, it is believed that children should not be disappointed and upset. The child should be forced to try to achieve its goals and should not be given anything he wants. Otherwise, he will never learn that no others can see the scope of the work.
Because the behavior of parents of children who are too kind patience against adversity and hardship is learned, will face many problems in adulthood. May defy or ignore the social rules but does not understand the law, such as parents, forgiveness does not waiver from his mistakes. These people are married, and social life also expect all the desires for them, and when their demands are not met, angry, resentful, and angry to be aggressive. Others no matter their views and the views and opinions are valuable. Such people have a lot of problems with his wife and their colleagues.
Bymhbty educational model and uncertainty
This pattern is very similar to the previous model, but it is far more destructive and Vyrangrtr. In the previous model, offering love and acceptance from parents, desirable and pleasant, although it was done through appropriate and reasonable.
In this model, there is no love and devotion. The training pattern is believed that child abuse is intentional and, if He could easily succeed.prize catch. In such circumstances, the child is confused, because if not abuse, rejection, but if not ill, parents are not encouraged. He is always blame, whether it would work or not slammed her head.
In such a chaotic situation, there is no way to success. As a result, the child becomes angry and resentful. At the time of his hostile feelings or sheds his or her relatives and the community in general at the time. Parents lack of decisiveness in this model, one of the reasons that lead children to act disorderly. More anti-social behavior that we see today is the result of this training model. In behaviors such as alcohol consumption, small UFO, stray and criminal groups are formed and education can be traced back to see the pattern. If the effects of the training pattern is not corrected during youth, adults will cause other types of anti-social behavior.
Educational Model kindness and firmness
Parents who follow this pattern, that we should speak about the child’s behavior, always insist on the child’s behavior and personality never addressed the child or not. For example, the children say and do not say to him: ‘I do not like you because you speak harshly. & Gt;

The world is gradually lost, unless the order and properly used.
That’s why parents without aggressive, decisive and serious and just because your child learn to modify their behavior, punish, not because they are deserving of punishment. The pattern of education, the child will be rejected and beyond the negligent behavior that come from him, attention, and at the same time he also considered positive aspects. In criticizing the child and his punishment is rarely violent, and they are always fair.
Rather than punish them, the child praise and know that it’s constantly saying, in her mind would close. As a result of the positive aspects of your child’s strengths and remind
Educational models
By the way, children can be trained to recognize four educational model:
1) Model-based training and strict Bymhbty
2) educational model based on affection and uncertainty
3) educational model based Bymhbty and uncertainty
4) educational model based on compassion and firmness
Research and studies have shown that the formation of the characteristics of the child, the family contributed to the dominant cultural pattern. Therefore it is necessary that each of these patterns to be examined separately.

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