If the brake slightly

Posted: Lover of God Hello

Marine energy source tides (tide) that tidal power plants to feed, contrary to what is believed, the moon, but the rotation of the earth. The rotation of the Earth’s seas and oceans, sometimes to the moon and then pull it away. Man of the energies that do not use? Here, there are energy nuclear reactions, energy is old and gentle waterfalls and (sorry) most simple, the chemical energy of fuel and indeed, scientists are working day and night to longer log sources of energy and in this way, using the power of their imagination, to the extent that is necessary, do not hesitate. In the future, there are plans for energy production devices, including devices that have the force of the waves of the sea or eat on active volcanoes energy use. However, a major source of energy that apparently, has not attracted the attention of researchers, and the relentless energy that moves the planet, and a large rotating sphere that billions of years ago, the rotation accordingly. Of course, now the man uses the energy from the earth. Marine energy source tides (tide) that tidal power plants to feed, contrary to what is believed, the moon, but the rotation of the earth. The rotation of the Earth’s seas and oceans, sometimes to the moon and then pull it away. But today the use of deadly naval power is very low. Fresh, if all the energy that the Earth rotating sphere loses kill us consider again a very small portion of the reserve account, we have to move it. Energy stored in the earth, so great is calculated according to a number equal to J, roughly kilowatt hour show. In other words, if a person’s need for energy, today we look at what is hidden in the earth rotating sphere, it is sufficient to take 20 billion years of the Earth’s rotational energy .drst if all of us, then Move the Earth around its axis is interrupted and, of course, leads to the destruction of our planet’s thermal, night and day instead of once every 12 hours, every 6 months (to the earth revolves around the sun) are looking for comes, the weather changed and the animals and plants in unusual circumstances are, of course, this situation can not be predicted, the end. So we should not be too greedy land completely deter rotation around its axis. If only one percent of the Earth’s rotational speed can be reduced, then energy can be released from it, to nearly 400 million succesor it of the current all power stations, the as a proverb says it of the We are many. But it must be said, a major obstacle in the way of using this source of energy there. The point is to slow the rotation of the earth, must be physically out of the ground. To do this, when you are on our planet, this is like trying to crawl out of my hair. Okay, but why slow down the rotation of the earth from cosmic space is not doing? One can, for example, in electric generating station that the mobile space, the engine, the planet Earth. Do not power the device on the surface of our natural companion, the moon made? And the moon, do not use the energy of the moon? Calculation shows that the kinetic energy of the month, while rotating in its orbit, almost 20 times less than the energy of the earth, the moon can be used for nearly a billion years, our energy to prepare. The problem can be formulated in another way, the moon has enormous potential energy, because at high altitude over the Earth. Do not build a machine to help it bring down the moon, the potential energy is used? You do not even have to bring down the whole month, and a small part of it is enough for us. We may pour legendary, where a month, a huge machine works by separating the major part of it, throws it to the ground. It’s time here on earth, they are the kinetic energy stored in their use. But the separate pieces of the month, is difficult. Can the energy of the moon or the earth, with an easier to use? For example, on the celestial bodies and cosmic space, making a huge magnetic pulleys? Well, finally, what specific proposals can be made? Undoubtedly one, a researcher who wants to kinetic energy or potential of the heavenly bodies is stored, used, such as Archimedes should say: “Give me a fulcrum point ….” To appear once again history repeats itself and It goes back to where it was in the distant past.

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