General Leadership

Sent by Nasiba


Here in this paper we are going to introduce you some general features of leadership. also we will discuss the meaning of leadership and its characteristics and the meaning of level 5 managers .


Leading a team or group successfully is a skill that takes time, thought and dedication. The key fundamentals of leadership are the ability to look to the future, motivate your team and provide them with direction. It is also important to learn to adapt your leadership approach to deal with different situations.

  • Looking to the future

The ability to look ahead and plan a strategy or path for your team or group to follow is an essential skill. To do this well, you need to keep an eye on the horizon, both externally and internally. This means keeping in touch with employee opinions, technological advances and industry trends. Ask yourself ‘what if?’ questions. What opportunities and threats can you foresee and what options exist for dealing with these? This process and knowledge will help shape your vision.

  • Providing direction

Leaders, by definition, must have followers and followers need to understand and buy-into the leader’s vision. Once you’ve looked to the future, you need to communicate your vision with conviction and confidence. Powerful and successful visions have been shown to have a number of themes in common: they are compelling (not necessarily the same as popular), inspire and unite people to believe in a better future in a way that energizes a team and garners commitment.

  • Leadership style

Leadership involves leading people with different needs, skills and personalities in a range of circumstances. A good leader therefore needs to able to adapt their approach to suit the circumstances that they face. The leadership style required in times of extreme crisis is different to the style needed to manage the complexities of change.

Learning to use more than one or two different leadership styles on a regular basis, takes a bit of practice.

Traditionally, traits such as confidence, ambition, drive and self-control have been linked to successful leaders. Recent thinking has identified other successful leaders who succeed in transforming their organization from ‘good to great’ as quiet, modest, shy and unassuming. Yet they combine these characteristics with a fierce professional will to succeed which they transfer to their team, with spectacular results. This leadership style has been called ‘The Level 5 Leader’.

Similarly, there have been some interesting studies into how a leader’s Emotional Intelligence, (a term referring to the sensitive awareness and management of emotions) and mood can have an impact on a team’s results.

  • Leading during times of change

Driving change can be particularly challenging. Not only do you have to cope with and adapt to change positively, but you also need to navigate your team through the phases they are likely to go through when experiencing change: from initial disorientation, right through to peak performance.

One of a leader’s main responsibilities during a change process is to manage the communication effectively. During times of change, uncertainty is rife and fear of the unknown is a common factor. As a leader, if you can show that you understand these concerns, you are working to resolve the issues, and that there is a compelling vision for the future, then you have far more chance of successfully implementing the change.

Developing a high-performance team

Motivating people so that they perform at their best is the ultimate aim of effective leadership. But how can you unleash the full individual and collective potential of your people so that they achieve higher levels of performance than they thought possible? While you can drive performance using pressure, coercion and fear, you cannot expect the extra energy that comes from positive emotional commitment unless employees really believe that the give and take in their work place are balanced. Awareness of this ‘Psychological Contract’ between you and your team is crucial if you are to achieve sustainable success.


In summary, this research reveals that the more a leader can modify their mood and emotions, the greater their effectiveness.

Also, Generating widespread emotional energy and commitment demands time and attention from the leader to ensure that the right balance between achieving the task, building the team and developing the individual is achieved.

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