Exclusion of life to know

Marwa submissions

Not many people in relationships are less than ideal, typical patterns of destructive and deadly trapped and has no connection with the Mqabshan not proper.

Real improvement in the relations of couple therapy or counseling for couples Nst possible.

1 trial unfair and unjust

Imagine that your partner can read your mind:

Despite the needs, wants and desires and your feelings may be obvious to you, your partner may not have any information from them, unless you have express them clearly. Being honest and true to yourself and to your partner and to be honest with her Rftarkrdn necessary for a happy and healthy life. Everything you need to clarify your needs and wants and then they tell you to do.

Do not be one of those people who lost important people in their lives because according to him (he had no news of them) are not of the angry. No matter how much you believe your wife and your partner knows you well, but be sure that she can not read your mind.

Likewise, you may also be gushing with gratitude and praise, love or infatuation towards your partner that you never told him, or it may not. Expression and expression of the feelings of love and admiration shown to underestimate.

2 trial unfair and unjust

exploit. He also points out that even happy couples fight and struggle, but the difference between them is that couples who are happy, healthy, and happy couples fight fair. Here are just two of the recommendations of the doctor Guttmann refer to fair trial:

1 complain and complain, but do not criticize. If your partner has done something that you are unhappy you should be able to see him complaining. In other words, the existence and character of the question.

For example, Jane John is angry because despite having promised to wash the dishes, but they are seated. Birds can be like, “I’m very upset and Dlkhvrm the profession and failed to meet the dishes.” But the dark and destructive criticism that can ruin a relationship can be like, ‘You’re so selfish and untrustworthy, I can not believe I’m so reckless and careless. “see and feel the difference?

2 as possible after discussion again to resume your relationship. Gutman found that efforts ever attempted suicide in favor of reparation, a strong predictor of divorce and separation. Failed attempt at Mntkshy occurs when one party is trying to make the discussion, reconciliation and peace established, but does not succeed. Prosperous and happy couples fight, but after discussion and dialogue to resolve the issue immediately and they eventually reconcile.

3 fights in the heat of anger

Although the event may happen occasionally, for all but the fight when your blood pressure rises and boils account, you will not be what you’ll get. Psychologically Shnkhty when Bhayn degree of anger was, in effect processing power, or can not find it difficult to think with an open mind and calm. Under no circumstances are you stuck and bad, that will not solve any of your problems in these circumstances.

Couples should know that they should not be angry at the height of the fighting and Mrafh.

not contested.

If you commit any or all of these mistakes in your relationship, you now get this error and take steps to improve relations and getting closer to your partner szeretet.

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