DNA ancient mariner

Posted: Lover of God Hello

The ancient civilization in the first millennium BC, a commercial empire was founded on the Mediterranean Sea. A new study conducted by an international group, indicates that current generations Vestigiality they moved. The ancient civilization in the first millennium BC, a commercial empire was founded on the Mediterranean Sea. A new study conducted by an international group, indicates that current generations Vestigiality they moved. The researchers estimated that 1 out of every 17 people in the Mediterranean Phoenician ancestry. The researchers to track and detect the subtle genetic traces of ancient migrations of people today, a new analysis methods used. The results of DNA information is collected more than 6,000 people from across the Mediterranean. Phoenicians from its original base in Lebanon today and Klnyhayy sea had spread and established bases in places far away as Spain and North Africa region, “Carthage”, respectively. Carthage was considered the most powerful of them, from the land of the “Haynbal” Ibex Beta command of the army to fight against the Roman Empire in its territory, an army of giant mountain top “alpine”, Ruthie.out. The study on male chromosomes or «Y» focuses only from fathers to sons aggregate transferred and remained more or less unchanged. Doctor “old Zalva” from the Lebanese American University in Beirut, said: “People are really” does not significantly heritage and should henceforth be more interested in them. “” Chris Tyler-Smith “, one of the authors of the study in Cambridge, England Institute «Wellcome Trust Sanger» stated: “Since the beginning of the study Phoenicians did not know anything about genetics and the only guide that we had was on.is obtained. Details of the design of the famous magazine «Human Genetic» is available. The study on male chromosomes or «Y» focuses only from fathers to sons aggregate transferred and remained more or less unchanged, just like the name that is passed from generation to generation. But over the years the generation of very small changes in the chromosomal DNA caused or errors seen in the series. This information can be used to classify male chromosomes into other groups that show a person’s degree of geographical origin, can be used. Researchers from the genetic profile of the former Phoenician colonies around the Mediterranean were male Y chromosome. Klnyhayy the coastal territories such as Lebanon, Cyprus, Crete, Malta, Sicily island in the east, the southern island of Sardinia, southern Spain, and Morocco Tvnssahly lived. Chromosomes Chromosomes are these men with men living in adjoining lands and places the Phoenicians had never in their lives, were compared. This focus on a few of the signs of male genetic duplicate of Phoenician origin revealed that the genetic region of the Near East and Phoenicians got back home. Several human migration – both historic and prehistoric – Eastern Mediterranean began to spread in Europe and North Africa. Migration of farmers from the Near East after 10,000 BC, the ancient Greeks spread like the Phoenicians had established bases throughout the Mediterranean and the dispersion of the Jewish people, from this category. Likely due to the relative proximity Jghrafyshan people, the symptoms are similar genetically. But this group of researchers announced that a special analytical methods that can detect the gene Phoenicians from others. “Spencer Wells’ Genographic Project director, said:” The separation of background information or colonize the spread of Neolithic Greece is very difficult. The researchers say this means that out of every 17 men in this region, a person found Phoenician ancestry. Doctor Wells describes the method used to calculate the genetic predisposition subtle and obscure alley that had been used. He moved the “Celts” tongue of land in the mountains “Harz” in Germany to Eastern and Western Europe in the first millennium BC noted.

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