Desperate people from the beginning of the new government

M. Parsa

Formed a national unity government and the electoral controversy, the frustration of the people became the hope, the hope of a new life and work time under the umbrella of a national unity government seemed optimistic, the President and Chief Executive Vkvchktryn campaign slogan news It was a good, common sense Vmtmrkz fooled by slogans in the original functions of governance, Mr. Rich and Mr. Abdullah had been greatly increased and the hope and promise of the campaign with the slogan, hopes the government strong and meritocracy.
Vama, ninety days after the formation of a national unity government passes, hope turned into despair, Shvrvshvq invest and work in the country has declined, beliefs Vazhan preparation of electoral controversy returned to the Museum of the politicians, analysts, political parties, civil society activists working against the government began, meritocracy based on published reports of the Cabinet and appointed persons are not considered Drpst and various organs, serious controversy still exists forming the cabinet, increased economic insecurity has Kshvrkahsh , investors lost their confidence and belief and their investments have moved abroad, hopeless Vskht normal life in society, a wave of attacks, bombings, suicide attacks, culture and society Kshtardr fear is Panmvdh In the ninety-day government officials have acquired particular, all come together and all other data Rabrsrrah government has created a big problem and beliefs toward politicians, government officials destroyed, the unemployed community Jdydaz weak, the acquired Vnakam been introduced.
What’s the problem?
1. controversy within the team; Vhdmly state of powerful individuals, individuals capitalist, strong leaders, commanders formed urinary populated and one each for the arrival of President Chief Executive has been a lot of activity, a lot of money spent and force people to use their money and their campaign, now president and chief executive of the individuals were affected, all these people are trying to earn Match ministries, the problem is one of the controversial issues of the delay Cabinet is considered.
2-intervention in the country concerned, many countries during the campaign of political and financial support was Afradvashkhas and special teams, these teams demands are today, the seat of government when it came to dividing the country into entities and individuals and certain of its affiliated Posts Vchanh woman are stressed. Harvested, some of these people and ministries acceptable differences in time turns into Dygrnbvdh.

3. Key controversy Srvzart houses and people, according to the agreement signed between President Chief Executive, people must agree on any Dvtym selection, but some people have been rejected by one of the parties has caused controversy between the President and Chief Executive Officer and delayed Cabinet has Srtshkyl.
to form an emergency Cabinet Whatever people believe the web is exhausted.

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