Concerns of the hands stained with blood in the new cabinet

Sent: Mary

According to reports, the group has recommended that the arrival of the leading persons involved in war crimes and human rights violations, to prevent the new government cabinet.
There is no doubt that the war in Afghanistan last four decades of bitter historical memories. But the civil war that followed the establishment of the Mujahideen in this country has been key, including wars is that it can not be easily justified.
can not ignore the views and concerns. Mrdmmhvr what the government is important to understand the needs and concerns with the materials that can exist in a society. In a natural state that can only be given to the interests and the needs and concerns with regard was rejected.
NO. Behaviors that can be described as criminal behavior happened in the last thirteen years, which could be included among international crimes. So the people who should be established in relation to justice and human rights, in relation to those who have been guilty of such behavior in the deal will be done.
One of the criminal acts that have taken place in Afghanistan, personal gains from the administrative jurisdiction. Implications and consequences of this behavior, it is also known by the name of corruption, is not less than the negative effects of war crimes. In the framework of this criminal behavior, international assistance to Afghanistan and opportunities for Afghan progress had vanished and Afghanistan accuse the international community and as a nation became notorious. It is seen that the negative consequences of political and economic corruption and criminal behavior in personal profits from the administrative jurisdiction of war crimes, not less. Jrmanh of war crimes by some citizens of this country have suffered heavy losses, but with all of Afghanistan’s corruption and criminal behavior involving heavy losses in the region and the world.
Another criminal behavior that can not be ignored by Bymbalaty and passed the discriminatory practices in employment. One of the sad realities of the past thirteen years in government employment and regional trends in recruitment has been imposed. This discrimination in employment based on race, Regionalism and Hzbgrayy been so outspoken and prominent Afghan seen in many offices. The negative effects of discrimination in employment is not less than a war crime. Because it has led to the establishment of good governance and effective large Frstsvzy done.

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