Appropriate ways to reduce school failure

Submissions Sdyh

According to (wisdom) and Zrvvrt gaining knowledge:
The heart of the wise old Brenna was able Zdansh (Ferdowsi)

The time you get to the tree of knowledge to assemble wheels lotus (Khusraw)

2.dashtn plan aimed at achieving the goal of trying to achieve Rahntay

With the aim to motivate students to move and his efforts to give certain.

Having a plan for research and education ((Planning))

1.tyyn hours

2.vqt cleaning and Worship

Breakfast, lunch and dinner times
4. Hours and days spent in the Ndrs·h

Hours for homework and studies
Daily and weekly hours of free time to be determined.
Students are not familiar with the principles and procedures correctly and the time and physical condition suitable for this study. In the context of the book ((income based study pathology)) Compilation (Mhst faith))
5. School enrollment and good luck with the equipment and laboratory facilities physically fit and have modern facilities such as libraries, reading rooms and suites Sms visual …

6. Having experienced teachers Sadq.alm.mvmn

7. Having a good family atmosphere and parents with literacy and balanced physically, emotionally and socially

8. Self-confidence and strong will and Pshtkarzyad

9. Exercise and strengthen body and soul, happy and fun movements to avoid getting sick and getting bored.

10. Parents and teachers need ways ((reducing anxiety)) to teach students to be anxious when Anthanat students and not fall.

11. Power Abuse No Breakfast-Hypoglycemia – Low Iron – Calcium – K – Iodine – minerals and vitamins necessary for the body disadvantage effects on learning and education is decreasing.

12. Nightlife – Watching too much TV -Vydyv – Satellite and go to a party late sleepy the next day, and the student’s academic failure and learn well.

13. Attending strengthen and reduce the loss of experienced teachers in school and seeds of hope in the hearts of students

 Sows and they will lead to academic success.

14. Teachers have students do not get to Tfkr- Zmaysh- experience and argued that such a wire recorder interface to transmit other information.

School staff have high requirements – General rules – -Adary try and convince table for scheduling and budgeting courses to teach students.
16. Written evaluation of student learning methods (test-of-the short answer) and oral

17. A non-academic programs regularly for worship – Recreation – circulation – relax and spend Hobbies

Think categories, causing him to fall))

18. Friends Laqmndbh Education and staying away from the student’s truancy Vdrs·h

First you tell me who are you to tell Ng Kian Life After ((SADI))

We must understand that addiction can have different perspectives, for example, an E-micro love too much into computer games – TV – Satellite TV is also addictive.

20. Students participate in scientific views – Art – Culture – technical professionals can enhance students’ motivation.will.

21. Students participate in the Olympiad sports – scientific school of art at various levels – regional – state – country – and the world

22.Germany, with about 70 people on the Nobel Prize in various fields of scientific – technical – artistic. Pyshtlzy are indebted to Gothenburg in the publishing industry and replication.

23. Hearing and visually impaired students will always remember that teachers are regularly reminded of the story.

The performance was slightly damaged eyesight.

24. Sometimes a cultural partner for public and non-basic course work and a lot of research on student self-imposed Abbe and decreases the fundamental courses of study.

25. Students are not familiar with some practical aspects of the course content will not be motivated to learn.

26.a group of them roam the streets.

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