80 years of the internal and external reporting Foroghi Iran

Posted: Mdynhrvz fifth anniversary of the death of Mohammad Ali Foroughi the arc. Foroghi Qajar and Pahlavi figures I and II. He is 67 years old and he was 27, he entered the political activities until his death over a period of 40 years, four times Prime Minister, the President of the Supreme Court, three times, four times the minister of war, four Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice Pnjbar foreign minister and three times that was. He was also the first, second and third periods of the National Assembly and the House of Representatives was second, while the President reached. Foroghi December 1321 when the fifth died of heart failure Minister court. Among politicians Qajar and Pahlavi rule in 50 years, not least politicians that their community Khbrdashthand bittersweet truths, facts, well see, the treatment they knew But when his official position to protect the interests and position were their interests in government circles were limited, each step of which was the opposite approach avoids creative types words, the rate of eating bread. Foroghi of these individuals. He was a scientist, scholar, poet and his sociologist. Pen, speech and thinking. Politician who was in Arabic, French and English was fluent. To quote Ferdoust, Foroghi school, Bonnie was creating a mystical philosophy. But philosophy is not compatible with Islam Talybkhsh rich content and more in line with the Babi and Baha’i Gary and Freemasonry. The result was great treasures of Islamic culture during the rule Foroughi was empty of content and the means to consolidate ideas and realization Hkma’ side “of the Imperial Light of Lights” became. Despite all the distractions, it can not be denied Foroghi individual abilities and talents. Remains one of Foroughi, a value of one of his men in Paris. But he has also taken steps to solve these problems? Or they tried to maintain their position within the discretion of the government has put beyond? Read parts of a Forough in 1328 in the journal “booty” was published which we bring it to the attention of readers. Forough about it a policy that followed the collapse of the Ottoman Turks and follow the rule of Atatürk wrote in his former Raprthay written Turks than we currently have no ill intentions.nearly eliminate their existence.especially on ethnicity and strengthen their own nation and to the possible mediators of war and accidents are avoided. However, the nature of their Turkish is not possible if something happens suddenly lost Npayydh like last fall and pots to disrupt but not for the greed and ambition, but from the suspicion and fear Jahangiri and imagination.As previously wrote for the right moment to seize the moment I am from Afghanistan. What is your knowledge of the country do not know if that is correct inferred Afghans are under the influence of the burst, the Turkish officer, the counselor will and so on. Afghan ruler who will come soon and I do not talk to Ankara move to Iran or not. Once these are all things that must be considered.give every assistance to Iran. If we close these titles may say that this idea of ​​leaving the state today is a day where people do not come to the opposite view have?Mshrqzmynyha about themselves and others are the same as before the war, the Germans were better than other Europeans and other nations, that his lordship deserve to know the East nations.And anyone can do to stop it because the spiritual and natural. This concerns me here or not, one thing is certain that no nation is without merit and sustainability issues is not the least nominal independence or loses his spiritual.Stdad and deserve some Nvkrnd Mr. and community, and because it is a natural and effective training is just no alternative. The result of this arrangement is that I want to do something that the Iranian nation and deserves to find its is for certain. Otherwise subordinate. Not left thumb, higher education in England will soon be under Arab and Iranian people see the situation today is very worrying.Ntryg game and sell various names and Partybazy and sweet and so blatant and charlatans and read.Consider the spiritual sacrifice and courage and honor and courage and Hqyqttlby move him and his favorite place and unity is achieved. If you ask what should be done and what is the remedy within Bytaml I have trained people.are inherited from parents who do not take their own course.State encouragement and glorification of the Lord is perfect and so Lyzlk and certainly not in the permitted tolerance, but today these measures are not enough. Most important of these is thought to boost the nation becomes a source of morality.Heaven and Hell is afraid. Inside this issue and I do not need to explain that it was not.came in and went to Europe for foreign currency is not the trap. I dont mean length is not God-fearing nation today, not patriotic, neither liberal nor seek honor, not for honor, nor the desire of art, rather than seeking knowledge, you should do the people’s and the charlatans and blatant and Ntrygbazy take, then you have found the perfect work of art, they find courage and zeal, Hqyqttlb, governments if they do not provide a means of education, knowledge and security and justice that the government would go for economics and such Other nations are promoting their country’s wealth and power and honor.

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