8 Factors that your soul is sick

sent Marwa

To have a healthy body and spirit need constant care and leave some bad habits. Extreme sensitivity to issues of inactivity to yourself in the virtual world, curved walking and risking all of your mental health. In this spirit, we are talking about 8 factors for health problems.

house and physical inactivity

Researchers at University College London have found that low physical inactivity is associated with depression and aggravation.

According to the researchers, only three exercise sessions per week to be about twenty percent decrease negative emotions and depression.

We recommend that you use every opportunity to walk. Do not use the car for daily purchases and do it on foot.

abusive relationships and Conditions

To reintegrated into some of the complexities and ending unsatisfying relationships take time.

high blood.

engage in relationships, family, work or even bad relationships can affect people’s confidence and cause stress and depression.

If you are involved in a complicated relationship, you should get help from an expert.


Bastyr University researchers have found that sleep on the health of the body.

When we go to sleep, the body of this opportunity to renew the function of organs such as the central nervous system, the brain and the digestive system and uses.

If you feel depressed, you probably suffer from lack of sleep. We recommend three hours before going to bed, electric appliances such as TVs, computers, mobile phones etc off and a tranquil environment for yourself.

A soothing cup of herbal tea like chamomile eat tail light and reduce your home.

photos and videos from events

These days, most people are busy filming the event or scene.

It is common for many of us see this scene, but Bastyr University of Washington researchers have found what we get more photos and videos of events, more recall events, we are in trouble.

As a result of this work over time damages your memory and mental health.

So, the next time you’re watching the scene, rather than photographs or video of it, focusing all drown in the real world.

Women work with computers

social networking and virtual worlds

So now you think, the last time a deep conversation without the intervention of social networks and virtual worlds with a friend, spouse or a family member have, when it was is?

These days many of us are conscious, we are caught in the trap of the virtual world. But the fact is that keeping in touch with friends and acquaintances in the virtual world is not a real relationship.

speed, to achieve our desires. Nothing is impossible in real life.

All this leads to frustration in the real world. Expert advice is that one day a few hours to pull out of the virtual world and to your own body and soul. Otherwise, the possibility of problems, such as anxiety and depression will increase.

hypersensitivity to issues

If a negative spoke on behalf of a colleague, or even the bustle and traffic of the streets, completely ruin your day, you should be alert for.

The results, published in the journal Psychology Today suggests that the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) in the smallest stress, mentally coming together, more is.

The researchers believe that high levels of cortisol decreases the body’s immune system and bone loss and increased risk of high blood pressure, high blood obesity and cholestrole.

The researchers believe that learning to manage stress can reduce the risk of depression and mental health.

As a result, it is better to see the glass half full and start your day with remembrance of Allah and smile.


The researchers believe that walking with bent back more than a simple laziness and lethargy.

The results, published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry suggests walking with shoulders bent down and had a negative impact on mood and emotional state of the leaves.

In contrast, those who walk out your back straight, shoulders back and chin up, they have better mental health and are more fresh.

It must be clear from the arrogance and pride that we should walk in this case, the impact on the mental health of the individual will be much worse.

ignore personal needs

Among all the problems and responsibilities of work, family and your community, what time do you devote to yourself?

If you do not consider yourself time to relax during the day, sooner or later they will be emotionally stressed and upset.

So, to assign yourself at least 15 minutes.

Anyone need a mental break to better be able to reach its other responsibilities.

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