Sent victory

Consider a tree root – trunk – branches – leaves – flowers – … is made that if we start from the root to the leaves or flowers, as well as when we arrive, the Windows registry is a tree structure, although at first glance it is possible to Your strange and incomprehensible, but the windows Explorer in Windows My Computer Consider the following branches Yd started the drive to reach the branches …. until we see the file structure of such a structure is Nyzdqyqa register .

Folder icon is displayed for each of the branches that they sometimes also called the Hive. Each branch could be included under the branches to finally reach the variables or values. Registry data is stored in the actual data.

There are three types of variables in the registry as follows: String, Binary, Dword that each of them can be used in certain circumstances.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER: This category refers to the part of HKEY_USERS branch information on the characteristics and current user information such as the user’s desktop (Desktop), menu settings Start (Startmenu) and stored in the system.

HKEY_CLASS_ROOT: This directory contains information such as: linkage mapping feature to support drag and drop files (Drag-and-Drop), information about OLE, Windows Shortcuts (Shortcuts ), and the core of the Windows user interface (User Interface) is.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: This directory contains information about the characteristics of computer systems including hardware, software, and other features of the computer, where the data for all users of the system. used is the same.

HKEY_USERS: The field content of election information and settings for each user Each user has a SID in this category.

HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG: The branch to branch LOCAL_MACHINE and related notes, including hardware configuration system.

HKEY_DYN_DATA: This category refers to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch of the use of property PLUG & amp; PLAY in Windows. The sector is dynamic, ie, on the side of each instrument or device connected to the system change.

five There are different types, each of which are described below:

REG_BINARY: This type of variable data type to store raw binary data Knd.aksra hardware and components, as well as the type of the variable is stored in the Windows Registry editor display The variable type in hex as well.

REG_DWORD: This variable is used to display 4-byte data and to store the logical values ​​true or false (TRUE OR FALSE) in order to display the work Myrvnd.bdyn A wrong number “0” and to show the right of “1” is used. In addition to keeping the drive parameters Ddstgahha and servers from Essen to Knnd.v Lstfadh parameters display in REGEDT32 in binary, hex and decimal is.

REG_EXPAND_SZ: This is a worthy Mtghyrrshth software development is to apply some of these variables. To use Windows 2000 or NT example, instead of words % SYSTEM ROOT% of the true value of your Windows installation path (eg C: WINDOWS) replaced. You should note that this variable only at an advanced registry editors can be used as REGEDT32.

is. You should note that this variable only at an advanced registry editors can be used as REGEDT32.

REG_SZ: This is the standard string variable to store the text is readable by the user.

Other types of data can not be used in standard editors include:

REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN: is a 32-bit integer type LITTLE_ENDIAN it can store.

REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: is a 32-bit integer type BIG_ENDIAN it can store.

REG_LINK: is a symbolic link between Unicode and internally used software and are not able to use it.

REG_NONE: is not defined as a specific type.

REG_QWORD: This variable can store up to a 64-bit number.

REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN: This variable can also be a 64-bit integer format LITTLE_ENDIAN in your store.

REG_RESOURCE_LIST: list of device driver source is

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