Net factory key strategy to increase profitability

Posted: Sonia

Maintenance of plant equipment can significantly reduce the total cost of operations and increase the efficiency of the plant. The key to this look correct in a new perspective and with the maintenance of Prvaktyv (the active sheet) located. Reload ways similar to conventional maintenance, can be in states of preventive maintenance, predictive and Prvaktyv (code above) divided. Therefore, a new approach to the task notes, not only for keeping notes, but also to extend the operating system to the factory, so more of reconstruction or try to Brgrndan early Kardeh equipment, a redesign of processes can be developed with the aim of Kardeh plant, equipment or system, is proposed. This idea can be different attitude and philosophy with traditional Internet, but this approach can serve as a valuable thoughts for the new millennium outlook is …

ntroduction: Definition of Maintenance (NAT) is often a set of tasks that are carried out to ensure the reliability and proper functioning of equipment, is the sense of vision and perspective of many people is an activity sheet organization to be able to function in the organization New strategies have been implemented in several years, as well as maintenance strategies to solve the problems that caused the failure (failure) equipment can be cited. Some of these strategies are common notes can be expressed as follows:

1. Maintenance (notes) Emergency: This is one of the first methods of maintenance and repair (notes) in the industry. In this way, it is completely neutral (non-scheduled), and only when these pieces of equipment failure plays a role. This strategy has the permanent maintenance tasks (notes) and also with the non-application notes that naming strategy is to improve the manufacturing and production, corrective maintenance done on the equipment. Thus can be set to these activities the maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement sets is. The strategy to implement the corrective maintenance activities and when they stop work just to meet a breakdown and removal of the device is used.

2. Maintenance (notes) preventive maintenance strategy (NAT) is based on time and in accordance with a predefined period of time, equipment inspection are removed from the production line. Based on visual inspection to perform necessary repairs and return the equipment to the production line. Therefore, based on this strategy Maintenance (notes) replacement parts, rebuilding and repairing a car in a definite period of time, and regardless of the operating conditions, the time necessary for the operations performed on it. Although this is a good strategy, but even a five percent error in the estimated repair time can increase the cost of the plant. Nevertheless some preventive activities such as configuration, calibration and inspection each year (biennial) boilers and one of the requirements is essential .

Apart from technical divination techniques, statistical techniques to predict the observed functional equipment or in other words, the human sense of the definition of an effective system .

4. Maintenance (notes) Prvaktyv (pro-active): This method previously described by three different methods and can be considered as a new strategy for maintenance and repairs (NAT) is proposed. Also note Prvaktyv strategy to increase the useful life of the equipment is designed to achieve maximum accuracy .

Types of Maintenance Strategies (NAT): Aside from these strategies, the maintenance and repair (notes) that are designed according to the process plant. In recent years a great interest rate on maintenance (NAT) based on the reliability of the RCM , particularly in the aerospace industry has been created . RCM is a structured process to identify strategies for maintenance and repairs (NAT) devices, and the strategy for physical systems with continuous and reliable operation are required. The objective of the RCM , identify critical equipment in the process. The strategy also relies on technical information and strategies with regard to preventive and predictive maintenance, and outputs the organization serves. The system outputs RCM saves considerable resources, time and energy in the organization. This process serves as the basis of technical reference manuals require a lot of time and money. Strategy that relies on the analysis of the failure RCFA name and its base is based on an analysis of the root causes of failure . RCFA by type of equipment failure, and certain specific corrective actions to be raised. The costs associated with this process is time to perform inspection and maintenance by maintenance personnel. After the RCFA time-consuming and costly duplication errors in the production process there is a viable option for the note of the system. In RCFA cost of training to enhance skills and technical knowledge as well as the net cost of collecting and processing technical information and repair is recommended .

Maintenance range (NAT): In recent years, the Internet has become increasingly important in the Industries and the Internet has become a special place in the factory. Today the role of senior managers than prop up duty equipment or repair them when necessary, for the notes are there. factory look, but with the changing competitive conditions and trade and the need for maintenance operations to be scheduled again. • the overall evolution of the Internet in the first generation (1930s to 1940s),

• Second Generation (between 1950 L 1970) • Third generation (since 1980) can be classified .

Note the changes in the industry’s evolution. The first generation of the early days of the industry is the low level of mechanization of the industry. Simple manufacturing equipment and repair was possible in a limited time. The shut down of the machine is insignificant and therefore the issue of notes for senior managers of considerable importance not Borkhar. More complex design and manufacturing equipment and related Grftarhay This gives the appearance of the second generation. Mechanization in the industry with more luster, were more complex and sophisticated equipment. Therefore, maintenance of equipment and skills needed more time. This dependence increases, the importance of disability equipment managers became more obvious. With the rising costs of maintenance and operation of the Internet, a lot of interest on the notes, and other planning control systems were created. At the beginning of the 1980s, with the rise of mechanization and automation in factories, creating a slight deterioration in sophisticated equipment, all functions of a company under impact. Accordingly, the fundamental differences between the first generation, second generation and third generation include :

1. Today, in addition to the ready availability and use of equipment, much attention is on reliability .

2. The factor for the reduction to zero of the time there is equipment downtime .

3. To achieve the goals of maintenance (maintenance) must be available and key tools such as FMEA, RCFA, TPM, RCM used .

With the implementation of Maintenance (NAT) is the third generation in many organizations decreased to zero downtime and maintenance system objectives largely been achieved. Repeated errors are repeated. The fourth generation of the Internet? Due to rapid changes in the development of equipment and processes, mainly by use of computers is fast, powerful and advanced arise. The fourth generation time can be the most important. Hence the importance of the Net Generation IV systems that can be expected, based on the specifications of the third generation may be expressed as follows:

• When assessing the risk of high levels of organization behavior, strategic planning and careful attention to system maintenance .

• The relationship between demand, product design and plant maintenance can be much greater than the current situation .

• The rapid development of information technology to detect, predict and prevent potential failures .

computer simulations, may in the future provide a good prediction tool. The task of the computer not only in terms of collecting, storing data, but also to help them better understand the main causes of equipment failure can and correct Loubinoux. Maintenance costs (net): In recent years, a great relationship between the goals of efficiency and maintenance costs associated with it is created. Based on the experience of some organizations and companies, the largest and most expensive single sheet systems and management at the plant level is understandable. Many believe that the preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance strategies such as the Internet system has shown that it can be up to twenty-five percent of the net cost saving. Studies have also shown that a third of these costs can be reduced. For example, the two groups separated. The first group is related to the direct costs are easy to identify, calculate and report. These costs include the cost of labor, materials, services, services and overhead costs, and can be classified. Other indirect costs are invisible or are not easily measurable. The cost of the system invisible notes are expressed in lung injury following:

1) waste unscheduled stop

2) waste startup, the great reform

3) unemployment and sub-stops

4) Installation of equipment with low speed

5) waste Installation

6) quality defects

This causes problems for many companies, quality control, production and application of their peripheral circulation because the equipment is properly maintained and ready to use are removed. However, the net system efficiency can be considerably maintenance planning and control activities (net) increase. In the last twenty years, most manufacturers aim to remain competitive in the marketplace and production (as much as a cheap commodity production) are mainly looking to reduce production costs. These efforts led to either sex, although transitory benefits due to lack of attention to the maintenance of the system, they are able to maximize the benefits of continuing the search. Clearly and emphatically, including notes on the agenda of development programs by these managers is of special importance. Other priorities that can increase the productivity and maintenance system, foreign troops from the factory system (Outsourcing) is. These factors can be found in the highest levels of maintenance activities (NAT) is used. The advantages of external resources for the maintenance of the system is as follows:

• easier and easier to estimate and report the activities performed .

• Maintenance (notes) has not been programmed by this method can be performed .

• Maintenance (notes) can be considered as an advantage .

• good communication between plant management and maintenance activities is established contractors .

• Maintenance activities (notes) can be best achieved .

With Snayvry companies are responsible for the quality and performance of activities defined maintenance activities and ensure continuity of activities, goals and ensuring easier access to reach production goals achieved. So, maybe the question is that how accurately notes system programs to start? The traditional approach has been to organize a function of time and budget. These considerations lead to the estimated total cost of the repair. confidence in the correct functioning and prevent unemployment and stop the car. Maintenance (maintenance) work like what follows, it will have a significant impact on the overall calculation. By reducing direct and indirect costs and equipment failure, the concept and meaning of efficiency, effectiveness and profitability of planned maintenance can be expressed as follows:

(1) ———— revenue = Back Machine

(2) ———— Size * = price gains

(3) —— Overall equipment effectiveness * Maximum Capacity = volume has a positive effect on net effect is equivalent to three .

Net developed to increase ROD helps to reduce the high cost. Summary and conclusions: the process of maintenance and repair (notes) can be considerably older than the concept itself (when fracture repair) is a complex process that requires a strategic and comprehensive notes and the group is changed. The managers know that maintenance and repairs (NAT) is a part of the decision making process expertise budget and therefore the incentive for allocating budget for the maintenance and repairs are and they know the terms of such credits, effects Net financial system suffered from a lack of will. Maintenance program (notes) and also accelerate the development of technology leads to efficiency, effectiveness and better profitability

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